Daniel Michalik

Daniel Michalik included in two exhibitions at Site Unseen Offsite

Michalik will present two works at Sight Unseen Offsite, May 13-16

Daniel Michalik Included in New Book on Post-Petroleum Materials

Book explores new materials and design techniques that can be used in place of petroleum-based plastics.

SCE School Lunch Tray Project Helps Make School Lunch More Sustainable

Urban School Food Alliance will introduce compostable lunch trays in six of the largest school districts in the US, including New York.

Daniel Martinez’s Prism in The New School News

Martinez’s Prism is produced by Areaware and available now at the MoMA Store.

Daniel Michalik Leads Cork Workshop at Penland School of Crafts

The Thick Skin explores material potential of cork.

Daniel Michalik featured in Cool Hunting

Cool Hunting recently featured a tour of Daniel Michalik’s Brooklyn Studio. Michalik recently collaborated with illustrator and designer Mark McGinnis to create hand-printed packaging solutions for Michalik’s Contraband boats, released this year.