Special Projects

Design Workshop 2012 Kickstarter campaign: Highbridge in_flux

Please donate and be a part of our efforts to build in_flux. All donations are tax-deductible and 96% will go towards purchasing the materials to build this project! You may also decline to receive benefits and will thus see that 100% of your contribution goes to the construction of in_flux.

Design Milk profiles SCE, “The Tools That Make It Happen: Parsons School of Constructed Environments”

Recently Design Milk visited the School of Constructed Environments to review the way in which our students collaborate and integrate designs across disciplines as well as explore tools for making. Take a look at the article for more detailed insight into the values of SCE offered through an interview with …

The Architect’s Newspaper reports on SCE Temporary Environments studio

Students from 5 programs participate in Moorhead & Moorhead’s course to create a soft structure from Carnegie’s Xorel

Design Workshop Summer 2012 – Volunteers needed!

The Design Workshop 2012 is seeking students to volunteer for the summer portion of the Highbridge in_flux project. Students would be aiding the Design Workshop team in constructing the project throughout the Summer semester. Stipends are available. 3 Credits will be rolled into the Fall semester.

SCE at ICFF: Temporary Environments Studio and Carnegie Fabrics, opening 22 May

PART OF PARSONS FESTIVAL 2012: Students examine the relatively underexplored realm of designing space with soft structures in a collaborative installation at the 2012 International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) for an exhibit sponsored by Carnegie Fabrics. This project is the culmination of the course taught by Moorhead and Moorhead using …

X is for An Expert on Bathrooms: Alexander Kira & Peter Greenaway’s 26 Bathrooms. INSIDE (hi)STORIES film screening and talk 27 April, 6:15pm

FILM SCREENING AND TALK Historian Hayden White once noted, “Every discipline [is] constituted by what it forbids its practitioners to do.” In this talk, I adapt White’s statement to argue that disciplines are equally constituted by what they allow practitioners to speak about or how they are allowed to speak. …

Michael Braungart, Cradle to Cradle – Beyond Sustainability, 25 April, Thursday 6:15pm

25 April, Thursday 6:15-7:45pm

The Glass Corner (room 206), 25 East 13th Street

BFA AD Studio II: Site Specificity, Material Systems, and Human Scale

Led by BFA AD faculty Nick Brinen, the 2012 Undergraduate Architecture Studio II will develop a design proposal that incorporates issues of site specificity, material systems, and human scale. The format of the course will allow for an exploratory design process, which methodically increases in complexity as the problem changes …

Kalil Endowment for Smart Design Awards & Fellow Presentations Thursday March 1st


2012 Kalil Project Grants Announced

Three $5000 Grants awarded for 2012: Student Grant, Collaborative Student Team Grant, Scholar/Practitioner Grant