Special Projects

Design Workshop’s Sunset Park Pool Pavilion in Interior Design Magazine

New changing pavilions designed and built by students of the Design Workshop free up much needed space at Sunset Park Recreation Center and Pool.

Parsons-Designed Pop-Up Site Invites Public To Take a Seat

Students at Parsons School of Design saw a design project in the making — a project that had the potential to transform the landscape of the Greenwich Village neighborhood. After having the car towed away, students got to work remaking the 240 square foot parking spot into a pop-up space for the public to “rest, to read, and …

Parsons Students Design Hotel in Venice for Design Apart

Students will create a penthouse space in Venice as part of first annual Design Apart Academy.

Parsons Receives Grant for Healthy Materials Lab

Lab aims to eliminate the use of toxic building materials and support the creation and use of healthy alternatives.

SCE School Lunch Tray Project Helps Make School Lunch More Sustainable

Urban School Food Alliance will introduce compostable lunch trays in six of the largest school districts in the US, including New York.

Design Workshop’s Sunset Park Recreation Center Now Open

Project provides much needed lockers and changing area for busy Sunset Park Recreation Center.

Winning designs selected for Small Things Matter collaboration with Areaware

Product design students collaborated with design company Areaware to create inexpensive gift items.

Video of Parsons Temporary Environments Installation with Carnegie Fabrics at ICFF 2012

Video documentation of the Parsons Temporary Environments studio with Carnegie Fabrics exhibited at ICFF in May 2012.

Living Arts City Workshop in Phnom Penh on November 14 – Confluences, Boundaries and Voices: Living Arts City

On November 14, the Royal University of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh will host Confluences, Boundaries and Voices, the latest in an ongoing series of Living Arts City Workshops.

Architect and SCE Faculty Victoria Benatar featured in New York Social Diary

Image: Victoria Benatar shining in her sunny sunny Upper East Side living room.
Photography by Jeff Hirsch