Student News

“Her Art Here” Design Competition: Support Parsons Finalist!

Pamela Acitores, Parsons junior in Product Design, became one of the six finalists for the Unites Airlines’ competition “Her Art Here.” Women artists from coast to coast submitted their designs for a United Boeing 757 that will take two winning canvasses — one for California and one for New York — …

Yigit Kale / 2nd prize in the Kölner Design Preis International

Yigit Kale, graduate of the Master of Architecture Program at SCE, won second prize in the Kölner Design Preis international.

Furniture by Parsons Students for Poltrona Frau @ Designwire

Furniture Inspired by Waiting—what people wait for, how they wait, and why

Parsons M.Arch students Install Transport

Architectural League’s 2011 Beaux Arts Ball