
Apply for One of Two $5000 Student Grant Opportunities from Michael Kalil Endowment for Smart Design

The mission of the Michael Kalil Endowment for Smart Design is twofold: to foster the understanding of the design intersections between nature and technology and to support a heightened sense of responsibility for increasing the sustainability of built environments. This year two student grants will be awarded.

David W. Orr, 2013 Kalil Fellow Lecture

Join us 6-7:30pm in Tishman Auditorium for the annual Kalil Endowment for Smart Design Awards and lecture by 2013 Kalil Fellow, David W. Orr, noted environmentalist, on the topic of Design for a Post Sandy World. The three competitive $5,000 Kalil Project Grants will be presented.

Kalil Grants Announced

SCE is pleased to announce the winners of the three $5,000 Kalil Endowment for Smart Design Project Grants for 2012-2013
made possible by the generosity of former SCE faculty Michael Kalil.

Kalil Grant ‘Intention to Submit’ Registration Deadline Dec 2

The Collaborative Team Grant category is widened to include any Parsons student group working together from within one or across any number of programs at Parsons or the New School.

Kalil Fellowship Grant Winner Pecha Kucha

03 November, Thursday, 6:30pm @ The Glass Corner, Rm 206, 25 East 13th Street

VIDEO: Walter Hood, 2011 Kalil Fellow Lecture, March 4th

Kalil Endowment for Smart Design Awards: Project Grant Recipients and Event Plans Announced

Call for Proposals for Michael Kalil Fellowship Project Grants

CALL FOR PROPOSALS   Michael Kalil Endowment for Smart Design The mission of the Michael Kalil Endowment for Smart Design is twofold: to foster the understanding of the design intersections between nature and technology and to support a heightened sense of responsibility for increasing the sustainability of built environments.   …

Kalil Student Assistant Position Announced

The Board of the The Michael Kalil Endowment for Smart Design and the School of Constructed Environments are pleased to announce the creation of the Kalil Student Assistant Position, funded as a $5000.00 annual stipend for combined Fall and Spring semesters. The mission of the Endowment is twofold: to foster …