As It Is On Earth, a novel by Peter Wheelwright, published by the Fomite Press

As It Is On Earth is set in New England over seven days leading up to Columbus Day at the end of the Millennium, 1999. Narrated by Taylor Thatcher, an irreverent young university professor from a fallen family of Maine Puritans, the story follows his ruminative quest and errant attempts to escape from history.

David Bergman’s, Sustainable Design: A Critical Guide published by Princeton Architectural Press

Written for students and practitioners in the fields of architecture and interior design, Sustainable Design: A Critical Guide provides a concise overview of all the techniques available for reducing the energy footprint of structures and spaces.

Susan Szenasy interviews Peter Wheelwright for Metropolis

In this Q&A for the Metropolis blog, Szenasy and Wheelwright discuss Professor Wheelright’s novel, As It Is On Earth.

The Brooklyn Rail interviews SCE faculty Peter Wheelwright

In this Q&A for the Brooklyn Rail, Professor Wheelwright discusses his novel, As It Is On Earth.

SCE faculty Daniel Michalik featured in Garden Design magazine

The Article, Out of the Bottle: An American Designer Crafts Chic Forms from Ever-Practical Cork, is featured in the September/October issue.

SCE Convocation 2012, September 4, 6PM, Tishman Auditorium

To mark the start of the academic year, all students, faculty and staff of SCE are invited to attend the SCE convocation. The Dean and Directors will provide an overview of the coming year. This event will start promptly at 6:00PM, so please arrive early.

SCE faculty Daniel Michalik featured in 40 under 40: Craft Futures at the Smithsonian Museum

SCE is pleased to announce that BFA Product Design and MFA Interior Design faculty Daniel Michalik’s work is included in the exhibition 40 Under 40 – Craft Futures at the Smithsonian Museum’s Renwick Gallery in Washington DC from July 20, 2012 – February 3, 2013. The Smithsonian has also acquired editions of Michalik’s 3/1 Chair (2011) and Massimo plates (2012) for their permanent collection.

National Building Museum names SCE faculty Paul Goldberger as the Fourteenth Laureate of the Vincent Scully Prize

The Prize was awarded to Goldberger for his lifetime work of encouraging thoughtful discourse and debate about the importance of design.

Product Design faculty PJ Carlino to participate in Design Education for New Manufacturing panel 20 September

PJ Carlino will be participating in a panel on  at the Design for Manufacturing Summit in Brooklyn on September 20th. See the interview with him at the summit website at Other panels will cover  lean manufacturing, rapid prototyping, makerspaces and industrial design education.If you’re interested in attending contact PJ …

BFA Architectural Design alumni Sharmine Fan, Emily Mak and Frank Chen honored at the Instant House Temporary Housing competition

Sharmie Fan, Emiliy Mak and Frank Chen, recent graduates in the BFA Architectural Design program, received a special mention at the Instant House Temporary Housing competition. Their project will be featured in an exhibition at the MADE expo in Milan 17-20 Oct, 2012 and will include models of their proposal.