Mark Wilson photograph chosen in Tom Dixon’s “Luminosity: New York vs London

A photograph by MFA Lighting Design student Mark Wilson was 1 of 5 images chosen as winners in the Tom Dixon “Luminosity: New York vs London” competition that was part of Tom Dixon’s product design opening during New York Design Week in May, 2012.  Mark’s photograph is the only image …

DQ Magazine awards SCE Dual Degree student as “Tomorrow’s Top Ten Forces & Faces in Design”

Jordana Maise Goot, incoming Dual Degree student in the Master of Architecture and MFA Lighting Design, is Acknowledged in Issue 45 of Design Quarterly magazine as one of “Tomorrow’s Top Ten Forces & Faces in Design”.  Her work in art employs spatial design and technology in relationship to the body, …

Plant-in City is an art installation that takes terrariums to the 21st Century

“Plant-In City” is an art installation of modular, stack-able terrariums that will evoke human architecture and technology, inspired by life in New York City. One of our goals is to live a more sustainable lifestyle. This begins by bringing nature inside to our everyday urban environment.

“Community Involvement” by M.Arch student Amy Obonaga featured in Metropolis

We spent a semester designing—and redesigning—our project for the Highbridge Pool and Recreation Center, located in the Washington Heights neighborhood of upper Manhattan. Now we’re ready to build it.

Design Workshop 2012 Kickstarter campaign: Highbridge in_flux

Please donate and be a part of our efforts to build in_flux. All donations are tax-deductible and 96% will go towards purchasing the materials to build this project! You may also decline to receive benefits and will thus see that 100% of your contribution goes to the construction of in_flux.

Ionanna Theocharopolou participates in panel, “Debating Design & Innovation in Times of Crisis” at Harvard Graduate School of Design

Addressing the viewpoint of the client, the architect, and the society, this panel rethinks through the example of Greece the role of innovation, entrepreneurship, and design in times of economical crisis and social upheavals.

Rama Chorpash and Daniel Michalik exhibit at First Annual Core77 OPEN: All City Stars

Rama Chorpash (Director, BFA Product Design) was chosen to represent Staten Island, and Daniel Michalik (Faculty, BFA Product Design) is representing Queens.

Design Milk profiles SCE, “The Tools That Make It Happen: Parsons School of Constructed Environments”

Recently Design Milk visited the School of Constructed Environments to review the way in which our students collaborate and integrate designs across disciplines as well as explore tools for making. Take a look at the article for more detailed insight into the values of SCE offered through an interview with …