Public Programs

James Karl Fischer, PhD Lecture

Dr. Fischer experiments with alternative approaches to artistic lighting, such as color, music, lumia and holography. He develops critical tools to embark on less task-oriented and more life-engaging approaches in environmental design.

SCE Faculty Publications Pecha Kucha

Join us Thursday Feb 14th, 6-7pm for presentation from recently published SCE Faculty.

Spring SCE Public Programs Announced

Please join us for our series of special events this semester

William Massie: “Surf Ace”

Presentation of current work. Thursday Nov. 8 6pm The Glass Corner, 25th East 13th Street room 206

‘As It Is On Earth’ by Peter M Wheelwright, a Book Reading and Panel Discussion

‘As It Is On Earth’ has been receiving great press, and is the subject of a blog interview series at Metropolis. The panel discussion, with special guests Susan Szenasy and Joseph Salvatore, will discuss the phenomenon of writers who are also designers. How might the point of view, tools and palettes of the space designer behave differently in the terrain of literature?

Lighting for U-N-F-O-L-D

MFA Lighting Design students design lighting for U-N-F-O-L-D Exhibition