Ioanna Theocharopoulou

Ioanna Theocharopoulou Included in Re-Think Athens Progam at the Onassis Cultural Center

Theocharopoulou presented research on post-war Athens apartments at panel discussion.

Ioanna Theocharopoulou to speak at Storefront’s Wwwriting Series: Digital Invisibles May 14

Wwwriting: Digital Invisibles
Storefront for Art and Architecture
97 Kenmare Street
New York, NY 10012
Tel. 212.431.5795

Cities + Citizenship Workshops

This series of workshops will explore themes from the Cities and Citizenship conference and facilitate dialogue between students and professionals from a variety of disciplines including architecture, design, urban planning, and sociology.

INSIDE (hi) STORIES, Mirror Reflections: Diplomacy and Decoration in France and Siam 1680s/1860s

INSIDE (hi) STORIES is a Histories & Theories series, curated by design historian Sarah Lichtman, Assistant Professor of Art and Design Studies in the School of Art and Design History and Theory, and architectural historian Ioanna Theocharopoulou, Assistant Professor of Interior Design in the School of Instructed Environments.