Feminist Syllabus Workshop hosted by the Feminist Art and Architecture Collaborative: April 21–22, 1–6pm. Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation, Buell Hall 300S, 515 West 116th Street
Pre-registration required (unfortunately, closed now!)
The Feminist Pedagogy Workshop seeks to enga ge the classroom in the core ideas of feminist principles: collaboration, intersectionality, and empowerment. The day will begin with a Privilege Walk and then continue with breakout group sessions to ultimately create a collective manifesto.
ArchiteXX Reading Group: Tuesday, April 17, 7–9pm, Museum of Modern Art, Architecture + Design Offices, The Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Education and Research Building Center, 4 West 54th Street
A special edition of the reading group will discuss three texts related to the Now What?! exhibition.
Harraway, Donna. “Cyborg Manifesto.” 1985.
Ferree, Myra Marx and Carol McClurg Mueller. “Feminism and the Women’s Movement: A Global Perspective.” The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements. Eds. David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule and Hanspeter Kriesi. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2007.576-607.
Lorde, Audre. “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House”
“Age, Race, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference.” Sister Outsider. Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1984. 110-113, 114-123.
Beyond Patronage Panel: Tuesday, April 24, 6–7:30pm, Prime Produce – a guild for social good, 424 W 54th St
Moderated by the editors of Beyond Patronage (Joyce Hwang, Martha Bohm, Gabrielle Printz), featuring presenters:
Xiaoxi Chen Laurent, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Nicholas Korody and Joanna Kloppenburg, Adjustments Agency
Colleen Tuite, GRNASFCK + 1.5 Rooms
Paula Vilaplana de Miguel, fru*fru + Vilaplana & Vilaplana
Presenters will each produce a Diagram of Exchanges, which will articulate and visualize the relationships that both structure and emerge from their work. If architects and patrons are assuming new guises within the relational armature of architectural practice, how can we further discern these relationships and exchanges, and their effects?
APA Panel: Building Community Assets Through the Arts: Wednesday, April 25, 6:30–8:30pm, Brooklyn Navy Yards, BLDG 92, 63 Flushing Ave, Brooklyn
This is a free event. Register here.
The APA Arts and Culture Subcommittee seeks to amplify the value of arts and culture in urban planning to achieve, social, environmental, and quality of life goals. The Subcommittee provides education, strategy, and guidance for incorporating arts and culture into policy and development initiatives in the New York Metro area. This panel entitled “Building Community Assets Through the Arts,” will explore how art organizations, cultural institutions, and creative practitioners are using the arts as a means of mobilizing and activating communities in flux.
Closing MiXX Happy Hour: Thursday, April 26, 7–9pm, e-flux, 311 E Broadway, 2rd floor
The MiXX Happy Hour is a monthly networking and socializing opportunity, in conjunction with our Women in Architecture and Planning MeetUp Group. Everyone is welcome! This month we especially welcome ArchiteXX volunteers, colleagues, and collaborators from other organizations to join as we strengthen our alliances and raise a glass together. |