Highbridge Recreation Center reopened this year after completion of a three-year collaboration between faculty and students of the Design Workshop at Parsons the New School for Design, and the Capital Projects professionals at NYC Parks. The students designed and constructed the changing pavilions that make it possible to keep the gym open in the summer, and converted the breezeway into a lobby, community space and computer room.
Built during the Works Projects Administration, this pool house is now one of the finest recreation centers in New York City serving the Washington Heights community. It overlooks the Highbridge aqueduct that first brought water to Manhattan across the Harlem River. Visitors will be able to view the Highbridge from the pool terrace. When the bridge restoration is complete in 2014, it will provide a vital link in NYC’s greenway system for pedestrians and bikers.
Sat & Sun – OpenDialogue, designers on-site both days.
More Information HERE.