Green Techniques and Materials for 93 Nevins

AAS Interiors Program at Parsons was approached by  93Nevins developers, designers, and sponsors from Green Depot to engage with young designers on this landmark project.  Nadia Elrokhsy coordinated the external partnership with 3 participating studios: AAS Interior Design Studio 3 Faculty- Aki Ishida, 3ds Max, a computer modeling class, Faculty- William Ngo, and the Environmental Design Class led by Faculty -Nadia Elrokhsy.

In 2004, before many of the current green guidelines had been formally established, local Brooklyn developers Rolf Grimsted and Emily Fisher set out to improve their neighborhood by taking over a highly-toxic, dangerous building and recreating something new and “aspirational.”

“93 Nevins features next-generation green technologies, including solar hot water radiant floor heating, and is a showcase for cutting-edge design and the best green materials.”