Carbon Sequestering: Synthesizing Passive House and Healthy Materials Recap

Passive House approach to operational energy with challenges of addressing upfront embodied carbon, as a key combination to address in approaching carbon-zero buildings.

​​To move our construction into a carbon-neutral environment it is essential to address the operational energy through Passive House performance together with the upfront embodied carbon through an integrated and methodical approach. The symposium “Carbon Sequestering: Synthesizing Passive House and Healthy Materials” will explore the possibility of radically reducing carbon emissions of the constructed environment; and explore where low carbon/carbon sequestering materials may also present healthier material options.

The event took place in November, 2022 and featured presentations, panel discussions and workshops bringing together professionals and students to advance the discussion to reach carbon-zero buildings.

Organized by New York Passive House, The School of Constructed Environments at Parsons School of Design, and Healthy Materials Lab

Symposium Committee: