BFA AD Studio II: Site Specificity, Material Systems, and Human Scale

Led by BFA AD faculty Nick Brinen, the 2012 Undergraduate Architecture Studio II will develop a design proposal that incorporates issues of site specificity, material systems, and human scale. The format of the course will allow for an exploratory design process, which methodically increases in complexity as the problem changes …

Product Design Director Rama Chorpash Honored as Rising Star by Elle Décor

  Elle Decor has named Parsons Product Design Director Rama Chorpash as one of the 20 talents shaping design today. In addition to his role as an educator, Chorpash is a noted designer whose work explores the contemporary social use and production through the design of benchmark products, environments, furniture, …

Lee Gibson (MFA ID ’12) designs #searchunderoccupy at the Sheila C. Johnson Design Center

Sheila C. Johnson Design Center Arnold and Sheila Aronson Galleries March 1 – April 1, 2012 #searchunderoccupy is a participatory initia tive that explores the implications and ambiguities of Occupy Wall Street as a “living archive.” Occupy Wall Street (OWS), like other social and political movements of our time, is …

INSIDE (hi) STORIES: Zeynep Turan Hoffman, March 5 6PM

  Zeynep Turan Hoffman, Ph.D. Post Doctoral Research Fellow, MEMEAC, The CUNY Graduate Center and Research Associate at the Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict, Bryn Mawr College THE MATERIAL CULTURE LENS: PLACE, OBJECTS, AND NARRATIVES Monday, March 5th, 6.15pm Glass Corner, 25 E13th street, 2nd floor Zeynep Turan …

Nathalie Rozot, MFA Lighting Design Faculty, receives Graham Foundation Fellowship

Nathalie Rozot was selected as the recipient of the 2011-2012 Graham Foundation Fellowship in Architecture at the MacDowell Colony. This Fellowship was established through the Foundation’s 2011 grant to support the creation of new work at the Colony that explores intersections between art and architecture. While in residency, Nathalie created …

MFA Lighting Design students design lighting for Where Do We Migrate To? Exhibition

As part of the Sheila Johnson Design Center public programming, lighting design students conduct a light “focusing” exercise to assure the gallery lighting supports the aesthetic and curatorial interests of the exhibition.  As well, this offers students tangible hands on experience dealing with luminaires, light sources and optics.  This particular …

Parsons and Milano Students Tackle Housing Crisis for the Homeless with L.A.’s Skid Row Housing Trust

This spring, The New School, led by SCE and the Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy, is partnering with the Skid Row Housing Trust in Los Angeles, a nonprofit organization that develops, manages and operates homes for the homeless. Students will be applying their knowledge of finance …

Lionel Ohayon appointed visiting practitioner faculty in MFA Interior Design – Spring 2012

Founder and President of ICRAVE, an inventive multidisciplinary Manhattan based design firm, plans to engage students in designing Experiences

Moorhead & Moorhead Bring their material curiosity to SCE/Parsons

In partnership with Carnigie fabrics students in Moorhead and Morehead’s course will exhibit a soft structure environment at ICFF in may 2012

Emily Abruzzo and Gerald Bodziak, SCE Faculty, win 2012 new practices New York

New Practices New York, a biennial competition since 2006, serves as the preeminent platform in New York City to recognize and promote new and innovative architecture and design firms.