Slide 1
Experiment in digital rendering attempting to introduce atmospheric qualities into spatial representation.
Slide 2
Photographic site analysis of The New Museum in New York City - looking to locate design opportunities
Slide 3
Hand drawn axonometric projection for site analysis of The New Museum
Slide 4
Digitally rendered Interior perspective of proposed change to Gallery Two
Slide 5
Digitally rendered Interior perspective of proposed change to Gallery Two
Slide 6
Digitally rendered Interior perspective showing corner detail including material changes on both floor and wall surfaces
Slide 7
Composite images extracted from final animation


This thesis investigates proximity, orientation, and the gravity of architecture in the design and realization of interior spaces. Analyzing the spatiality of virtual design – and explicitly how the navigation of digital space occurs - this project aims to demonstrate how virtual design may inform the design of corporeal space in both its process and final representation.

Thesis Advisor: Peter Wheelwright