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New Gene Center Floor Plan. The new institute is an integration of open labs and group labs, workspace and social gathering space, interior and exterior, offering opportunities
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Integrated Information Center As researchers step out of the elevator they will be greeting will a back-lit poster wall which has the latest updates and publications from each research group. Together the pattern of the posters represents the "genome" of the center, providing opportunities for discussions and casual conversations. The wall is perforated and creates visual connection from hallway to study lounge at the other side of the wall.
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Integrated Locker Space The "lab coat center" is located at both ends of the elevator hallway, providing a chance for casual meeting and conversations between researchers working at the gene center.
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Integrated Wall and Reagent Library The shape of the group research lab follows the contour of the reagents library shelf. Here chemical reagents are alphabetically organized, displayed all along the wall of shelves and is open to both sides of the lab. The shelves morph into wall patterns when they reach meeting room adjacent to the group lab.
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Closer Look of the Reagents Library Shelf. The library not only provides storage space but also opens up laboratories and visually connects interior and exterior. Through rows of reagent glass bottles, researchers can see reflections of surrounding environment.
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Integrated Fume Hoods The hoods in the gene center are design to combine live recording technology so that performances inside the hoods are projected at the back of them. The design will transform the scale that researchers work with now, creating a visual demonstration and direct communication between researchers.
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Integrated Open Lab Working stations in the open lab are not signed up. Routine experiments are carried out and lab equipment is shared among researchers. The streamlined linear benches break down the walls between the users.

INTERIOR GENE THERAPY: Design for a Bioscience Research Institute

This thesis aims to apply principles of gene therapy to the design of scientific research interior space.

Most of modern research institutes have rigid settings for carrying out experiment while the atmosphere for culturing thinking process is neglected. In evolution theory, gene selection and recombination enables organisms to express stronger phenotype in response to environment forces to promote their own identity and therefore survive. In the interior context, DNA is comprised of objects, light, texture, and sound, and the selection force being the physical and emotional connection between the space and the users. By analyzing and re-combining essential interior elements, the new lab "genome" will be dynamically adapted to the requirement for conducting research as well as the need of the researchers', making the scientific research interior a hub for proliferation of the life sciences intellectually and biologically.

Thesis Advisor: Alexa Griffith Winton