SCE Color Lab Works with Benjamin Moore to Create a Color Installation


The SCE Color Lab Course, led by Helen Quinn, recently partnered with Benjamin Moore to bring more color into a seating area to the 12thfloor of 6 East 16th Street.  The installation is called “Parsec” and is named after the unit of measurement that astronomers use to express large distances to stars and galaxies. The group was inspired by a poem by Richard Kenney:

All light, partic-
ulate, licks out
one way, in waves;
electric clouds
expand in spheres
whose uncracked shells
across the parsecs
and the years

— Richard Kenney


the unit of measure used by astronomers to express distances to stars and galaxies //

“Though Paris may be named the  “City of Lights,” New York is no less brilliant. From the LED glare of the billboards in Time Square to the constant and ever-changing glow of the Empire State Building, living in the city means being enveloped by an ever-changing palette of illumination. It is, therefore, easy to forget that across the expanse of space, planets, stars and galaxies are shining their light across the dark to reach our planet. When we turn our faces to the sky what we may see is the glow of the living city, but beyond the haze of light, the constant beam of constellations shines down upon us.”

– Danielle Christophe

Photo Credit: Elizabeth Wright










