Urban Design Senior Studio – Hidden Rules


By Jaewoo Chung


Gesture Urbanism: Living Art City in Still Motion Perspective


My project is about the Movement in Urban Design study. My project is studying a gesture of daily Phnom Penh’s culture that focuses on Cambodian’s diverse activities, including rituals and other essential aspects that hold Phnom Penh’s culture. From the collection of gestures drawing of Cambodians, I want to predict/ describe how “Royal Palace / Art district as a catalyst of Living Art City” will shape Phnom Penh’s future. Not only I was interested in those French architect’s influence over many exteriors of Phnom Penh, but also culturally many countries around Cambodia are also affected to Cambodian’s daily life. For instance, started from getting affected by Confucianism from China, blooming Buddhism culture, to todays new trend called Kpop from South Korea affecting young Southeast Asian people. Later those new values of daily life that is influenced from outside country blends into a existing culture of Phnom Penh. The gestures from one’s existed ritual culture and new gestures that has changed Cambodian’s daily life, is something I wanted catch from the streets of Phnom Penh, around Palace District area.

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