The Architect’s Newspaper Features SCE Final Exhibition

Parsons SCE end-of-year exhibition has joined the list of most successful efforts to transition to online educational  experience compiled by the Architect’s Newspaper. Although the list itself is by no means exhaustive, it unveils creative tactics and changes that architecture programs across the US have had to undergo in the past months to account for social distancing and disruptions to their students’ normal studio routine. Despite the ongoing debates over perks and pitfalls of remote learning as well as uncertainties as to how schools can incorporate short-term ad-hoc strategies to academic planning, there should be a safe and inclusive space & time continuum to celebrate student achievements and a multitude of critical probings into the world where architecture has become uncanny and yet awaiting sustainable and equality-driven solutions more eagerly than before. And the virtual gallery is just about that!

You can explore Parsons SCE Showcase and other commencent exhibitions here.