Free 2 day Conference ANYWHERE & ELSEWHERE Featuring SCE Faculty Mark Gardner


Art at the outermost limits of location specificity

15-16 November 2018 at School of Art, Media, and Technology at Parsons School of Design, The New School, New York, NY 10011.

Free registration links: 

Anywhere & Elsewhere Biennial Conference | DAY 1

Anywhere & Elsewhere Biennial Conference | DAY 2

This free conference event features presentations from artists working outside traditional exhibition circuits.

Today, an increasing number of artists are working across spaces, places and temporalities well-beyond the limits of established exhibition formats. Accordingly, much contemporary artistic activity is more concerned with events, actions, sites, relations and processes than with discrete outcomes.

Artistic research can be represented in multiple ways as it moves between modes of conception, production and dissemination. This free two-day conference will explore questions associated with presenting, experiencing, discussing and evaluating art located anywhere and elsewhere in space and time.

Event curated by Simone Douglas & Sean Lowry

Location Day 1 (15 November 9.30am – 6pm): The Auditorium, 66 West 12th Street, Room A 106, New York, NY 10011.

Location Day 2 (16 November 9.30am – 6pm): Theresa Lang Community and Student Center, Arnhold Hall, 55 West 13th Street, Room I-202, New York, NY 10011. Click here to learn more!